December 9, 2020 —
Ready for some ice skating? Hoping to hit the slopes? Is there a take-no-prisoners snowball fight in your future? The presence of COVID-19 may play havoc with what you can do this winter, but at the same time getting outside is good for all of us. Assuming you protect yourself from the virus, we want... Read More
November 9, 2020 —
Someday, when you look back on the year 2020, you will most likely remember it negatively as the year of COVID-19. But if you’re a smoker, you have a great opportunity to remember the year in a much better light – by finally quitting smoking. In fact, the risk of getting COVID-19 might be even... Read More
October 9, 2020 —
Back pain affects nearly 10 million Americans each year. Maintaining proper posture, balance, strength and flexibility can all help to increase your core strength and in turn support your back. Here are some tips from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association to help you take care of your back and reduce the risk of injury. Start... Read More
July 6, 2020 —
The stress and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic may be causing or increasing mental health challenges for a lot of people. With many social interactions between people still limited, pets can be a powerful partner in keeping you healthy. Overall, having a pet may help you get more fit, lower your stress, blood pressure,... Read More
June 11, 2020 —
“It started with a thank you note,” says Michael Tanzer, an orthopaedic surgeon at McGill University Health Center in Montréal, Québec. The note came from the wife of a patient who’d recently had joint replacement therapy. “[She] wrote to tell me how delighted she was to have her husband’s quality of life back because of... Read More
May 28, 2020 —
As restrictions on social distancing begin to ease, many senior men may have a hard time pulling themselves away from watching sports highlights and re-runs on TV. And, let’s face it, as we get older, it’s easy to wonder, “Why bother?” Well, guys, there are a lot of good reasons for shedding that couch potato... Read More
March 10, 2020 —
Conventional wisdom used to say that people cannot grow new brain cells – that the brain cells you were born with is all you’ll ever going to get. But many studies in the last few years have taken this notion to task. Researchers have discovered that, in fact, we continue to grow new brain... Read More
February 10, 2020 —
While the stereotype that seniors are slow to adopt new technologies may be partially true, according to Pew Research, two-thirds of adults age 65 and older use the internet. In addition to the usual benefits that everyone enjoys, internet use helps many seniors stay connected to family and friends, an essential part of aging... Read More
January 10, 2020 —
This is the time of year when many of us pause to evaluate our lives and make plans and resolutions to improve our state of being. One great way to improve our lives is to volunteer. For older Americans, volunteering is a great way to age well. Here are just some of the ways... Read More
December 10, 2019 —
At this time of year, staying physically active and eating a healthy diet can be challenging. The holidays offer numerous temptations to eat less healthfully than we normally do and the cold weather makes us want to stay indoors and curl up next to the fire with a good book. So what can we... Read More