Hoping to Age in Place? Occupational Therapy Can Help
If you’re like most Americans, you want to age in place – meaning you’d rather live in your own home for as long as possible rather than moving into a senior living facility. Aging in place is a realistic option for many people, although it may require some in-home assistance or healthcare services.
You may also benefit from occupational therapy. According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, “As abilities diminish as part of the normal aging process, assistance or changes might be needed to maintain your independence and age safely at home.” This might include improving your abilities related to:
- Personal care, household chores, and meals.
- Can you manage stairs? If you had to use a walker, could you manage it? Are the bathrooms safe for older residents?
- Getting around town. Can you walk to places you need to go? How long will you be able to drive a car safely? What other options will you have for getting around when you want or need to?
An occupational therapist (OT) can help you address these potential challenges and prepare for them, whether you’re recovering from an illness or injury or simply adapting to your changing abilities. We do that with custom activities to help you improve your:
- Range of motion, coordination and strength.
- Visual, perceptual and cognitive skills.
- Ability to do the activities of daily living such as dressing and cooking.
Occupational therapists can also help you obtain customized orthotic devices and splints and recommend home modifications to ensure your home environment is accessible and safe.
Whether you’re recovering or preparing for aging in place, the occupational therapists at CPT are ready to help. Contact us and let us know what you need.
Here’s some helpful information on aging in place from the National Institute on Aging.